October 2020
Hi there.
My name is Brijhette. Pronounced 'bridge'-'JET'.
The litany of disasters delivered to our doorsteps have spurred in me the professional calling to work as an engineer in the developing world. From the devastating earthquake and tsunami that wreaked havoc on the communities of Indonesia in 2004 to the race against time until the 'Big One' on the West Coast, I've felt an unrelenting pull to and passion for the daunting and challenging profession of earthquake engineering.
Currently, I live in Oakland, California and work in San Francisco. I earned a Master of Architecture degree in 2014, and am diligently preparing to pursue a PhD in Structural & Earthquake Engineering with emphasis in structural health monitoring, computational mechanics, and dignified disaster reconnaissance.
Half of my days are spent looking up, reading, and trying to piece together the intricacies of how buildings and structures really work. The other half is spent lamenting the inequalities that plague our society's structural integrity. As this site's main purpose is to accompany PhD applications, it is an attempt to bridge both. Included here are a resume, architectural projects, structural photos, two essays, and various smaller projects.
Thank you for joining me on this journey.